nano daeinstall.sh
上述命令是用nano编辑软件建立一个脚本文件daeinstall.sh,随后会出现一个编辑窗口,然后复制如下代码到粘贴到文本文件中,将 PROXY='' 这一行中的代理ip和端口换成自己本机对应的ip和对应的v2ray局域网共享http端口。改完后,在复制粘贴到nano编辑窗口中,最后ctrl+o并回车保存,然后ctrl+x退出nano。
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# shellcheck disable=SC3000-SC4000
set -e
## Color if command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then RED=$(tput setaf 1) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) RESET=$(tput sgr0) fi
## Check System if [ "$(uname)" != 'Linux' ]; then echo "${RED}error: This script only support Linux!${RESET}" exit 1 fi
## Check root user_id="$(id -u "$(whoami)")" if [ "$user_id" -ne 0 ]; then echo "${RED}error: This script must be run as root!${RESET}" exit 1 fi
## SHA256SUM if command -v sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then SHA256SUM() { sha256sum "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print$1}' } elif command -v shasum >/dev/null 2>&1; then SHA256SUM() { shasum -a 256 "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print$1}' } elif command -v openssl >/dev/null 2>&1; then SHA256SUM() { openssl dgst -sha256 "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print$2}' } elif command -v busybox >/dev/null 2>&1; then SHA256SUM() { busybox sha256sum "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print$1}' } fi
## Check curl, unzip, virt-what for tool in curl unzip virt-what; do if ! command -v $tool> /dev/null 2>&1; then tool_need="$tool"" ""$tool_need" fi done if [ -n "$tool_need" ]; then if command -v apt > /dev/null 2>&1; then command_install_tool="apt update; apt install $tool_need -y" elif command -v dnf > /dev/null 2>&1; then command_install_tool="dnf install $tool_need -y" elif command -v yum > /dev/null 2>&1; then command_install_tool="yum install $tool_need -y" elif command -v zypper > /dev/null 2>&1; then command_install_tool="zypper --non-interactive install $tool_need" elif command -v pacman > /dev/null 2>&1; then command_install_tool="pacman -Sy $tool_need --noconfirm" elif command -v apk > /dev/null 2>&1; then command_install_tool="apk add $tool_need" else echo "$RED""You should install ""$tool_need""then try again.""$RESET" exit 1 fi if ! /bin/sh -c "$command_install_tool";then echo "$RED""Use system package manager to install $tool_need failed,""$RESET" echo "$RED""You should install ""$tool_need""then try again.""$RESET" exit 1 fi fi
get_download_urls(){ if [ "$use_cdn" = 'yes' ]; then systemd_service_url="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/daeuniverse/dae@$latest_version/install/dae.service" openrc_service_url="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/daeuniverse/dae-installer/OpenRC/dae" dae_url="https://github.abskoop.workers.dev/https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/releases/download/$latest_version/dae-linux-$MACHINE.zip" dae_hash_url="https://github.abskoop.workers.dev/https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/releases/download/$latest_version/dae-linux-$MACHINE.zip.dgst" example_config_url="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/daeuniverse/dae@$latest_version/example.dae" geoip_url="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/geoip.dat" geosite_url="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/geosite.dat" else systemd_service_url="https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/raw/$latest_version/install/dae.service" openrc_service_url="https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae-installer/raw/main/OpenRC/dae" dae_url="https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/releases/download/$latest_version/dae-linux-$MACHINE.zip" dae_hash_url="https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/releases/download/$latest_version/dae-linux-$MACHINE.zip.dgst" example_config_url="https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/raw/$latest_version/example.dae" geoip_url="https://github.com/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/raw/master/geoip.dat" geosite_url="https://github.com/v2rayA/dist-v2ray-rules-dat/raw/master/geosite.dat" fi }
notice_installled_tool() { if [ -n "$tool_need" ]; then echo "${GREEN}You have installed the following tools during installation:${RESET}" echo "$tool_need" echo "${GREEN}You can uninstall them now if you want.${RESET}" fi }
check_virtualization() { if [ -n "$(uname -r | grep microsoft)" ]; then echo "${RED}error: WSL is not supported!${RESET}" exit 1 fi if [ "$(virt-what)" = 'openvz' ]; then echo "${RED}error: OpenVZ is not supported!${RESET}" exit 1 fi if [ "$(virt-what)" = '' ]; then is_virt=no else is_virt=yes fi }
download_systemd_service(){ echo "${GREEN}Download systemd service...${RESET}" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -LO -# $systemd_service_url; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download Systemd Service!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" exit 1 fi }
install_systemd_service() { echo "${GREEN}Installing/updating systemd service...${RESET}" cat dae.service | sed 's|usr/bin|usr/local/bin|g' | sed 's|etc|usr/local/etc|g' | tee /etc/systemd/system/dae.service systemctl daemon-reload echo "${GREEN}Systemd service installed/updated.${RESET}" rm dae.service }
download_openrc_service(){ echo "${GREEN}Download OpenRC service...${RESET}" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -L -# $openrc_service_url -o dae-openrc.sh; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download OpenRC Service!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" exit 1 fi }
install_openrc_service(){ echo "${GREEN}Installing/updating OpenRC service...${RESET}" cat dae-openrc.sh | tee /etc/init.d/dae chmod +x /etc/init.d/dae echo "${GREEN}OpenRC service installed/updated${RESET}" rm dae-openrc.sh }
download_service(){ if [ -f /usr/lib/systemd/systemd ]; then download_systemd_service elif [ -f /sbin/openrc-run ]; then download_openrc_service fi }
install_service(){ if [ -f /usr/lib/systemd/systemd ]; then install_systemd_service elif [ -f /sbin/openrc-run ]; then install_openrc_service else echo "${YELLOW}warning: There is no Systemd or OpenRC on this system, no service would be installed.${RESET}" echo "${YELLOW}You should write service file/script by yourself.${RESET}" fi }
check_local_version(){ if ! command -v /usr/local/bin/dae > /dev/null 2>&1; then current_version=0 else current_version=$(/usr/local/bin/dae --version | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $3}') fi }
check_online_version(){ temp_file="$(mktemp /tmp/dae.XXXXXX)" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/daeuniverse/dae/releases/latest' -o "$temp_file"; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to get the latest version of dae!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" exit 1 elif ! grep '"tag_name":' "$temp_file" > /dev/null; then echo "${RED}error: The GitHub API did not return valid information, please try again later.${RESET}" rm "$temp_file" exit 1 else latest_version="$(awk -F "tag_name" '{printf $2}' < "$temp_file" | awk -F "," '{printf $1}' | awk -F '"' '{printf $3}')" rm "$temp_file" fi }
compare_version(){ if [[ $latest_version = "$current_version" ]]; then # Don't need update compare_status=0 elif [[ "$(printf '%s\n' "$current_version" "$latest_version" | sort -rV | head -n1)" = "$current_version" ]]; then # Local version is greater than remote version compare_status=1 else # Local version is older than remote version compare_status=2 fi }
check_arch() { if [ "$(uname)" = 'Linux' ]; then case "$(uname -m)" in 'i386' | 'i686') MACHINE='x86_32' ;; 'amd64' | 'x86_64') AMD64='yes' ;; 'armv5tel') MACHINE='armv5' ;; 'armv6l') MACHINE='armv6' grep Features /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qw 'vfp' || MACHINE='armv5' ;; 'armv7' | 'armv7l') MACHINE='armv7' grep Features /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qw 'vfp' || MACHINE='armv5' ;; 'armv8' | 'aarch64') MACHINE='arm64' ;; 'mips') MACHINE='mips32' ;; 'mipsle') MACHINE='mips32le' ;; 'mips64') MACHINE='mips64' ;; 'mips64le') MACHINE='mips64le' ;; 'riscv64') MACHINE='riscv64' ;; *) echo "${RED}error: The architecture is not supported.${RESET}" exit 1 ;; esac if [ "$AMD64" = 'yes' ] && [ "$is_virt" = 'yes' ]; then MACHINE='x86_64' elif [ "$AMD64" = 'yes' ]; then if [ -n "$(grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo)" ]; then MACHINE='x86_64_v3_avx2' elif [ -n "$(grep sse /proc/cpuinfo)" ]; then MACHINE='x86_64_v2_sse' else MACHINE='x86_64' fi fi else echo "${RED}error: The operating system is not supported.${RESET}" exit 1 fi }
check_share_dir() { if [ ! -d /usr/local/share/dae ]; then mkdir -p /usr/local/share/dae fi }
download_geoip() { echo "${GREEN}Downloading GeoIP database...${RESET}" echo "${GREEN}Downloading from: $geoip_url${RESET}" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -LO "$geoip_url" --progress-bar; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download GeoIP database!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" exit 1 fi if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -sLO "$geoip_url".sha256sum; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download the checksum file of GeoIP database!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f geoip.dat exit 1 fi geoip_local_sha256=$(SHA256SUM geoip.dat) geoip_remote_sha256=$(cat geoip.dat.sha256sum | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [ "$geoip_local_sha256" != "$geoip_remote_sha256" ]; then echo "${RED}error: The checksum of the downloaded GeoIP database does not match!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Local SHA256: $geoip_local_sha256${RESET}" echo "${RED}Remote SHA256: $geoip_remote_sha256${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f geoip.dat exit 1 fi } update_geoip() { check_share_dir mv geoip.dat /usr/local/share/dae/ rm -f geoip.dat.sha256sum echo "${GREEN}GeoIP database have been installed/updated.${RESET}" }
download_geosite() { echo "${GREEN}Downloading GeoSite database...${RESET}" echo "${GREEN}Downloading from: $geosite_url${RESET}" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -LO "$geosite_url" --progress-bar; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download GeoSite database!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" exit 1 fi if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -sLO "$geosite_url".sha256sum; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download the checksum file of GeoSite database!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f geosite.dat exit 1 fi geosite_local_sha256=$(SHA256SUM geosite.dat) geosite_remote_sha256=$(cat geosite.dat.sha256sum | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [ "$geoip_local_sha256" != "$geoip_remote_sha256" ]; then echo "${RED}error: The checksum of the downloaded GeoIP database does not match!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Local SHA256: $geosite_local_sha256${RESET}" echo "${RED}Remote SHA256: $geosite_remote_sha256${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f geosite.dat geosite.dat.sha256sum exit 1 fi }
update_geosite() { check_share_dir mv geosite.dat /usr/local/share/dae/ rm -f geosite.dat.sha256sum echo "${GREEN}GeoSite database have been installed/updated.${RESET}" }
stop_dae(){ if command -v systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1 && [ "$(systemctl is-active dae)" = "active" ]; then echo "${GREEN}Stopping dae...${RESET}" systemctl stop dae dae_stopped='1' echo "${GREEN}Stopped dae${RESET}" fi if [ -f /etc/init.d/dae ] && [ -f /run/dae.pid ] && [ -n "$(cat /run/dae.pid)" ]; then echo "${GREEN}Stopping dae...${RESET}" /etc/init.d/dae stop dae_stopped='1' echo "${GREEN}Stopped dae${RESET}" fi }
start_dae(){ if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/dae.service ] && [ "$dae_stopped" = "1" ]; then echo "${GREEN}Starting dae...${RESET}" if ! systemctl start dae;then echo "${RED}Failed to start dae!${RESET}" echo "${RED}You should check your configuration file and try again.${RESET}" else echo "${GREEN}Started dae${RESET}" fi fi if [ -f /etc/init.d/dae ] && [ "$dae_stopped" = "1" ]; then echo "${GREEN}Starting dae...${RESET}" if ! (/etc/init.d/dae start);then echo "${RED}Failed to start dae!${RESET}" echo "${RED}You should check your configuration file and try again.${RESET}" else echo "${GREEN}Started dae${RESET}" fi fi }
download_dae() { echo "${GREEN}Downloading dae...${RESET}" echo "${GREEN}Downloading from: $dae_url${RESET}" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -LO "$dae_url" --progress-bar; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download dae!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" exit 1 fi local_sha256=$(SHA256SUM dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [ -z "$local_sha256" ]; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to get the checksum of the downloaded file!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip exit 1 fi if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -sL "$dae_hash_url" -o dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip.dgst; then echo "${RED}error: Failed to download the checksum file!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip.dgst exit 1 fi remote_sha256=$(cat ./dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip.dgst | awk -F "./dae-linux-$MACHINE.zip" 'NR==3' | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$local_sha256" != "$remote_sha256" ]; then echo "${RED}error: The checksum of the downloaded file does not match!${RESET}" echo "${RED}Local SHA256: $local_sha256${RESET}" echo "${RED}Remote SHA256: $remote_sha256${RESET}" echo "${RED}Please check your network and try again.${RESET}" rm -f dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip exit 1 fi rm -f dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip.dgst }
install_dae() { temp_dir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/dae.XXXXXX)" echo "${GREEN}unzipping dae's zip file...${RESET}" unzip dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip -d "$temp_dir" >> /dev/null cp "$temp_dir""/dae-linux-""$MACHINE" /usr/local/bin/dae chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dae rm -f dae-linux-"$MACHINE".zip echo "${GREEN}dae have been installed/updated.${RESET}" rm -rf "$temp_dir" }
download_example_config() { echo "${GREEN}Downloading dae's template configuration file...${RESET}" echo "${GREEN}Downloading from: $example_config_url${RESET}" if [ ! -d /usr/local/etc/dae ]; then mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/dae fi if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -L "$example_config_url" -o /usr/local/etc/dae/example.dae --progress-bar; then notify_example="yes" fi }
notify_configuration() { echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' if [ "$notify_example" = 'yes' ];then echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' echo "${YELLOW}warning: Failed to download example config file.${RESET}" echo "${YELLOW}You can download it from: https://github.com/daeuniverse/dae/raw/$latest_version/example.dae${RESET}" echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' fi echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' echo "${GREEN}dae have been installed/updated, installed version:${RESET}" echo "$latest_version" if command -v systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${GREEN}You can start dae by running:${RESET}" echo "systemctl start dae.service" echo "${GREEN}You can enable dae service so it can be started at system boot:${RESET}" echo "systemctl enable dae.service" elif command -v openrc-run > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "${GREEN}You can start dae by running:${RESET}" echo "/etc/init.d/dae start" echo "${GREEN}You can enable dae service so it can be started at system boot:${RESET}" echo "rc-update add dae default" else echo "${YELLOW}No service installed beacuse of missing Systemd/OpenRC, you should write a service script/config for your service manager by yourself.${RESET}" fi echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' echo "${GREEN}Your configuration file is:${RESET}" echo "/usr/local/etc/dae/config.dae" echo "${GREEN}And this file should be read by root only, you should${RESET}" echo "${GREEN}change the permission of this file by running:${RESET}" echo "chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/dae/config.dae" echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '----------------------------------------------------------------------' }
installation() { download_dae download_geoip download_geosite download_example_config download_service stop_dae install_dae update_geoip update_geosite install_service start_dae notice_installled_tool notify_configuration }
should_we_install_dae() { check_arch check_virtualization if [ "$force_install" = 'yes' ]; then check_online_version current_version='0' else check_local_version check_online_version fi compare_version get_download_urls if [ "$compare_status" = '0' ]; then echo "${GREEN}dae is already installed, current version: $current_version${RESET}" notice_installled_tool elif [ "$current_version" = '0' ]; then echo "${GREEN}Installing dae version $latest_version... ${RESET}" installation elif [ "$compare_status" = '1' ]; then echo "${YELLOW}Local version $current_version is greater than remote version $latest_version, ${RESET}" echo "${GREEN}If you still want to install, use force-install arg anyway.${RESET}" exit 0 else echo "${GREEN}Upgrading dae version $current_version to version $latest_version... ${RESET}" installation fi }
show_helps() { echo -e "${GREEN}""\033[1;4mUsage:\033[0m""${RESET}" echo " $0 [command]" echo ' ' echo -e "${GREEN}""\033[1;4mAvailable commands:\033[0m""${RESET}" echo " use-cdn use Cloudflare Worker and jsDelivr CDN to download files" echo " install install/update dae, default behavior" echo " force-install install/update latest version of dae without checking local version" echo " update-geoip update GeoIP database" echo " update-geosite update GeoSite database" echo " help show this help message" }
# Main current_dir=$(pwd) cd /tmp/ || (echo "${YELLOW}Failed to cd /tmp/${RESET}"; exit 1) if [ "$1" = "" ] || [ "$1" = "use-cdn" ]; then if [ "$1" = "use-cdn" ]; then use_cdn='yes' fi should_we_install_dae fi while [ $# != 0 ] ; do case "$1" in use-cdn) use_cdn='yes' shift ;; install) normal_install='yes' shift ;; force-install) force_install='yes' shift ;; update-geoip) geoip_should_update='yes' shift ;; update-geosite) geosite_should_update='yes' shift ;; help) show_help='yes' shift ;; *) error_help='yes' echo "${RED}error: Unknown command: $1${RESET}" shift ;; esac done if [ "$show_help" = 'yes' ];then show_helps exit 0 fi if [ "$error_help" = 'yes' ];then show_helps exit 1 fi if [ "$force_install" = 'yes' ] || [ "$normal_install" = 'yes' ];then should_we_install_dae fi if [ "$geoip_should_update" = 'yes' ];then get_download_urls download_geoip update_geoip fi if [ "$geosite_should_update" = 'yes' ];then get_download_urls download_geosite update_geosite fi
trap 'cd "$current_dir"' 0 1 2 3 |
3.在命令窗口使用 bash daeinstall.sh 或 bash daeinstall.sh use-cdn 安装大鹅即可。
补充说明:上述脚本代码来自官方的安装脚本,根据xray的官方安装脚本做了一些改动。增加了这一行PROXY='',然后将脚本文件中所有涉及到下载资源的curl命令统一改为了 curl -x "${PROXY}" ,-x参数表示使用代理下载,"${PROXY}" 就是在对PROXY=''语句设定的代理的引用。明白了原理,小伙伴也可以自己根据官方安装脚本自行修改。